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Game Name : Jak and Daxter
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-09-03 14:40:23
Views : 33088

Faster credits
Once the names of the Naughty Dog staff have been shown and have disappeared off the screen, hold X or Circle to speed up the credits.

Beware of the big fish!
, Unlimited Yellow Eco When Using Yellow Balls (NOT vents, Find really hard Power Cell in Volcanic Crater., Boss One, Snowy Mountain Fort , Free Precursor Orbs!!!,
Beware of the big fish! If you go into deep water, you will hear a heart-beat. Then it will go faster.go to shallow water quickly!!!! If you can't, you're doomed. A big fish will eat you even if you jump!It won't eat you if you're on the zoomer.

Boss One
Avoid the spikey creatures it sends forth until their pointybits disappear then move in for the kill. The boss will then sprout two giant leaf platforms ,use them two jump and strike it in the head. repeat this three times.You'll be victorious! {Forbidden Jungle}

Free Precursor Orbs!!!
In the Forbidden Forest Kill the big flower boss. When it's dead jump on it's head to get FREE PRECURSOR ORBS!!!!! Don't lose life while jumping of a high area When you are jumping off a high cliff and don't want to lose life right before your going to hit the ground press 0. You will hover and soften your landing (send by:john)

Snowy Mountain Fort
When you get inside the Lurker Fort On Snowy Mountain, there's a big wooden structure right in front of you, climb it. Once you get the PC(power cell) next to the scout fly and orbs on the top, jump down to the platform that is the highest one.(you just jumped of it to get up to the power cell). If you look around to your back you will see another PC on a different wood structure. You have to go all the way around the fort on platforms to get to it. But, if you do a running horizontal launch (L1+square while running) from the platform your on, you can skip all the hassle of going all the way around and get another Power cell! Good Luck.

Find really hard Power Cell in Volcanic Crater.
Go to volcanic Crater and go on the mine carts to the opening of Spider Cave. Now turn around and you will see a little metal box on the rock. (It's higher than your head so go to first person view mode and go to very edge to see it.) Now that you know where the box is, go in spider cave. Find the closes yellow Eco vent to the entrance of the cave. Power up and run as fast as you can out of the cave to the rock. To make the trip faster use rolling jumps. (run press R1 or L1 than you roll than press x and you do a long leap) and when your at the rock get to the edge or close enough and jump press box to shoot a yellow eco ball and it should home in and explode the box. The power cell comes out, get it. To find more power cells you didn't find go to the strategy guide on this site. It really helps.

Unlimited Yellow Eco When Using Yellow Balls (NOT vents
When you see a yellow eco ball (NOT yellow eco vent) get it and stand in the same place where you found it and when you shoot as long as you are in the same place it will automatically charge up again.

How to unlock Different Ending:
Collect 100 power cells and finish the game.

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